Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I am about halfway through until my next follow up visit. I think I have found some kind of balance with my new medication combo. I am supposed to be using the compounding cream twice a day--but I am only using it once a day in the morning. I am not supposed to use it at the same time as the Estrace, and when I went with out the Estrace for two weeks things started to go south (no pun intended). So I am using the compounding cream in the morning and the Estrace in the evening before bed. I am generally doing okay.

One thing that I have mention before that I am experiencing are the cysts. They show up about once a month with no pattern to the time of the month. My doctors have confirmed they are cysts, but have no reason for why I am getting them. Has anyone else experienced this too?


  1. Aurelia,

    Hey. I live in Boston and just received the DIV diagnosis after 11 years of on again off again problems. They include copious amounts of yellow discharge, some pain during sex, a propensity towards UTIs, and more. This all started when I was prescribed birth control pills at 23. This was followed up by antibiotics for all the UTIs I was developing. My doctor in Boston (AT Dr. Stewarts clinic... of V Book fame) told me there is no "cure" for DIV only management. I'm currently hoping to go to a naturpathic doctor because I don't want to take any more medicine... Anyways, just a shout out to let you know that you're not alone. Thanks for your blog. I appreciated knowing I wasn't the only one dealing with this either. Good luck! Jessyca

  2. Hello Aurelia,

    Thanks for your blog! How have things been for you since July?

    I've been dealing with all the same symptoms for 2.5yrs now. I had been given a diagnosis of Group B Strep last year and my regular GYN has been treating the symptoms since it is virtually impossible to get rid of this bacteria.

    Today I saw a new Infectious Disease doc that specializes in GYN and sub-specializes in bacterial infections. After the exam and reviewing slides under the microscope, his preliminary dx is DIV. I'll find out for sure on Monday. If this is the case, he says that his treatment includes a high dose of oral Augmentin to start with and then Clyndomycin suppositories and a low dose steroid cream. He said that the whole course of treatment will last approx 3 mos.

    I do realize that this will probably be a maintenance treatment and not a cure, but after 2 and a half years of my vagina being so angry, I'm happy to do ANYTHING to get it back to normal for some period of time.

    Please keep us posted!

